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Julie Blackmore

Preparing for the Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) Exam: A Comprehensive Guide

Preparing for the Registered Behavior Technician RBT Exam: A comprehensive guide

Passing the Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) Exam is a pivotal step for anyone looking to work in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). The exam, governed by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB), ensures that candidates have the requisite knowledge and skills to perform the tasks required of an RBT effectively. But as with any examination, adequate preparation is vital for success. This blog post will outline a comprehensive plan to prepare you for the RBT Exam effectively.

Understand the Exam Structure

The first step in your preparation should be to understand the RBT Exam’s structure and content. The test usually consists of 75 multiple-choice questions, which are based on the RBT Task List. Your understanding of this list will be crucial for passing the exam. Topics covered include:

  1. Measurement

  2. Assessment

  3. Skill Acquisition

  4. Behavior Reduction

  5. Documentation and Reporting

  6. Professional Conduct and Scope of Practice

Knowing these core areas will help you identify what you need to focus on during your study sessions.

Acquire the Necessary Materials

Textbooks and Guides

Start by acquiring the study materials you’ll need. Essential resources might include:

  1. RBT Exam Study Guide: These often come with task list explanations.

  2. Practice Exams: Practice test-taking, previewing test questions, and managing your time.

  3. Books, videos, and articles on ABA basics: To understand the underlying principles.

  4. RBT Exam Workbook: Assess your learning using activities that increase in difficulty.

  5. The RBT Task List: The BACB’s own guide is indispensable.

  6. RBT Ethics Code: Understanding the ethics code is crucial for passing the exam.


Many students find flashcards to be an invaluable tool for quick reviews. You can either buy a set or make your own. Creating your flashcards can help reinforce the material.

Online Resources

There are plenty of online forums, videos, and websites that offer free information, tips, and even practice exams for the RBT test. When preparing for the RBT Exam, I often turned to YouTube when looking for an explanation of a specific task list item that I needed a bit more help understanding.

RBT exam certification study guide

RBT exam study guide workbook test prep

Set Up a Study Plan

A planned study regimen can dramatically improve your chances of passing the RBT exam.

  • Timetable: Set up a realistic timetable that spreads your study material over the available time leading up to the exam date. Trying to cram everything into a weekend isn’t an effective way to prepare for the RBT exam.

  • Mix it Up: Don’t just focus on one topic for a long period; mix various task list categories and studying techniques to help keep your interest and energy high during longer study sessions.

  • Self-Assess: Keep track of your progress by regularly taking practice tests. Using a workbook to test your knowledge can also be a great way to assess your learning along the way.

  • Review and Revise: Continually revisit previously studied materials to ensure the information stays fresh. While on a specific topic, you may feel that you have mastered that material, but revisiting it can help you identify where you may still have some gaps to fill.

Engage in Active Learning

Real-world Experience

If possible, try to get some real-world experience in ABA before your exam. The hands-on experience will make the theoretical aspects more concrete. One way to do this is to reach out to local behavioral clinics, ABA therapy centers, or even through your school if you are attending college classes to observe classrooms, clinical settings, or private therapy sessions. The experience and knowledge you can soak up during these opportunities are truly priceless.

Study Groups

Joining or forming a study group can provide emotional support and varied perspectives. It's often easier to remember information discussed in a group setting. Reach out to other people who you know are also planning to take the exam, or even find an online study group if possible.

Teach to Learn

A great way to solidify your understanding of a concept is to explain it to someone else. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or study group, teaching the material can be a powerful learning tool. Another way to “teach” what you are learning is to create videos acting as if you will post them for others to see and learn from. Whether you actually plan to post the tutorials is irrelevant; just performing the act of teaching the material correctly reaches an unparalleled level of understanding.

Use Mock Exams and Practice Questions

Practice tests offer an invaluable means of preparation. They allow you to:

  • Become familiar with the exam format

  • Identify your weak areas

  • Improve your time management skills

Fine-tune Your Test-taking Strategies

Now this is where my teaching experience really comes in handy. Unfortunately, with standardized testing becoming such a large part of the American education system, teachers often have to teach our students the tips and techniques needed to take tests in an effective way. Here are some of my tried-and-true test-taking strategies.

Elimination Technique

When faced with multiple-choice questions, eliminate the obviously incorrect answers first to improve your odds of picking the right one. Some testing centers even offer a cross-out option in which you can eliminate answer choices on the computer screen, which is a big help.

Time Management

Time yourself while taking practice tests. Aim to complete the exam with some time to spare for reviewing your answers. When sitting for the actual exam, if you get stuck on a question for an extended amount of time, flag it and go back to it if you have time at the end. The time you lose stuck on a question could be time spent answering other questions that you are really sure of.

Read Carefully

Always read questions and answer choices thoroughly before making a selection. A careless mistake can cost you valuable points. Although not always the case, some questions and/or answer choices are worded in a way that could be easy to misread or misinterpret. You don’t lose much time by re-reading questions and answer choices, but the benefit of doing so could be the difference between passing or failing.

Take Care of Yourself

In the midst of rigorous studying, don't neglect your health. Adequate sleep and proper nutrition will help you focus better and reduce stress. Consider incorporating small exercise routines and mindfulness practices to keep yourself centered.

Day Before the Exam

The day before your exam should be reserved for light reviewing and relaxation. Cramming at the last minute is generally counterproductive. Fuel your body properly, get plenty of sleep, and practice mindfulness and/or meditation.

Exam Day

  • Arrive Early: Rushing can throw you off balance. Even if you sit in your car awaiting your test time for a half hour, you could bring along your flashcards or practice some breathing exercises to get your body into a calm and relaxed state.

  • Bring Required Materials: Typically, you’ll need a form of identification and possibly a test ticket. Read through all of the information your testing center provides to make sure you are fully prepared with everything you need. You want to avoid any unnecessary stress on the day of your exam.

  • Stay Calm and Focused: Use deep breathing techniques to calm nerves and stay focused throughout the exam. This exam is important but remember, you always have the option to take it again. This is not life or death.

Preparing for the RBT Exam - Final Thoughts

Preparing for the RBT Exam can be an intensive process, but with disciplined study habits, active learning, and a solid understanding of what to expect, you can set yourself up for success. Remember, the key to passing is not just rote memorization but a deep-rooted understanding of the principles of ABA and the ethical considerations involved. Good luck on your journey to becoming a Registered Behavior Technician!



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