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Cryptograms are one of my favorite activities to assign when my students need or crave a challenge. All students can be challenged- no matter what their current level is! That's why this product comes with 3 levels included- so everyone from beginners to experts can be accommodated with one bundle!


Cryptograms are excellent resources to use to help build up students' perseverance, critical thinking skills, word and spelling skills, patience, logical thinking, and strategic planning.


This product includes:

  • 26 different themed cryptogram puzzles on 15 pages
    • 5 worksheets per level- easy, medium, and hard
    • Worksheets are leveled discreetly using small shapes in the upper-right corner of each page (easy = circle, medium = triangle, hard = star)
  • Complete digital version using Google Slides- totally ready to go!
  • Answer keys

Cryptogram Logic Word Puzzles Bundle

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