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Click here for the Study Guide
If you are considering or are interested in joining the field of Applied Behavior Analysis by taking your Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) exam, this complete study bundle is perfect for you!
Study Guide
This product includes the following:
- 38-page RBT exam study guide that explains each item on the BACB's RBT Task List
- RBT Task List that outlines the important items to know when entering the field of Applied Behavior Analysis
- 7 Quick Guides that condense the most vital information from each section of the task list for easy reference
- Why Become an RBT? FAQ sheet
- 78 term study flash cards to help you become an expert on the most common ABA terms and techniques essential to becoming an RBT, BCaBA, or BCBA
EVERY section of the task list has the following activities:
Level 1 - Beginner - Matching and/or True/False
Level 2 - Advanced - Fill-in-the-Blank (optional word banks are provided)
Level 3 - Advanced - Definitions
Level 4 - Intermediate - Task List Item descriptions
This product includes the following:
- 100 page RBT exam workbook (Sections: Introduction, A, B, C, D, E, F, Answer Keys)
- 99 page fillable version of the workbook
- can be completed right on your computer, tablet, or smartphone
- includes an easy-to-navigate launch page that can take you anywhere you want to go in the document!
If you are also interested in some really amazing practice exams to help you prepare even more, check out StudyABA - they are what I used and I LOVED them!